Thursday, December 3, 2015

Growing Pains

The other morning I looked at my 2 years 4.5 month old son and immediately thought "Holy Schnikes, that kid grew over night." He just looks taller, just seems taller, just suddenly, BOOM! TALLER. I don't know how it happens, I am not sure why, but I am pretty certain that explains my sweet, baby boy acting like the terrifying toddler he has been this week.

Yes, he's two, and that should mean he's in the terrible twos and I should expect the crazy things he does or the way he is suddenly acting, but I wasn't expecting this. It's almost like mood swings, it's not mean or hurtful, it's not even sassy (he's my kid, he will always be sassy), it's like tears pour out of his eyes, his feelings are consistently hurt over something so not normal for him. 

My daughter, well, she's my kid, so her mood swings are expected, and have been tolerated from the day she was born, and we realize until forever. My son, on the other hand, he's never cried-- not if we discipline him, not if we yell, or tell him "no," not for anything. Until late last week, maybe earlier this week? Suddenly everything warrants tears. Again, this isn't that unusual, as he is my kid and I can cry from watching a stupid, German grocery store commercial, or AT&T, or dogs, or whatever. I just didn't think it would hit my son, so quickly, so much.

Is it growing pains? Is he sad or actually IN PAIN? I intend to measure him this weekend, just to see how much he's grown, because I do believe he sprouted up tall over night. I hope it's just a phase and something that will pass, not so much because being sensitive is a bad thing, but because I truly miss my sweet, silly, (sometimes sassy), totally crazy, little boy that doesn't have a mean bone in his body, he is just a bit... mischievous.

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